Comments on: Recovering from a C-Section Survival Guide For New Parents Fri, 18 Aug 2023 22:34:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Thanyani Sun, 18 Jun 2023 21:54:33 +0000 Good day
I had my first c section done on August 27th 2022
It’s been 9 months now, but I am still experiencing pains inside my incision area, and it’s painful
I don’t know what to do bcos it’s my first time after having 3 normal births.
Anyone experienced this before, can you please help me?

By: Meg Collins Tue, 18 Oct 2022 20:08:14 +0000 In reply to Ceri roberts.

I know it gets riskier with each c-section you have. I hope you feel better soon!

By: Ceri roberts Sat, 15 Oct 2022 19:12:15 +0000 It’s been nearly 15 weeks since my c section. ( I have had 2 c sections previously ) I was rushed into hospital 4 weeks back as I wouldn’t stop bleeding they treated me for an infection of the womb, since then I have been spit bleeding on and off.. now my stomache is very sore especially above my scar area, still very tender to touch and although I have been told my scar looks fine that is now very tender to.. GP also thinks I have a hernia. I am exhausted with the recovery of this section and also so worried something is terribly wrong.. anyone else going through the same? I read that it takes 6-8 weeks to heal I’m nearly 15 weeks now!! So worried!!

By: Deepti Tue, 30 Aug 2022 06:26:49 +0000 In reply to mayra.

Same here, no pain with the first
C section. Everyone told me the pain is extreme when you are first told to stand up and walk, i didnt feel any pain – only out of balance so had to hold on to my mom who was with me at the time. This was for the first few steps and it was fine. Not much pain afterwards either. I did take arnica 200c as soon as i was allowed water and took mint oil caps to relieve gas, my guess is these helped a lot. I am expecting my second in a month and i hope my experience remains the same this time as well. I didnt take heavy pain meds (sever adverse side effects)- took tylenol and ibuprofen in combination and stopped after 4-5 days

By: Meg Collins Fri, 20 May 2022 18:05:07 +0000 In reply to Misake.

Thanks for sharing! Glad you are feeling better – that sounds rough!

By: Misake Thu, 19 May 2022 04:32:14 +0000 I’m about 10 weeks pp. I had an ultrasound just before I was induced and my lo was head down. My labour was 8 hours, from tiny contractions that I couldn’t or barely felt most of the time to big ones near the end. Near the end, the nurses told me they couldn’t find my cervix and the doctor checked and said they felt a butt. My cervix went from 2.5 cm to fully dilated within like 30 minutes. I was rushed for an emergency c-section. They said the epidural (that I demanded to have not long before) hadn’t fully taken affect, but they needed to start. They pricked me a bunch of times, I felt 3 and nothing else. Afterwards during recovery my right side really hurt, like a razor blade kept cutting me feeling every time I moved for the first two weeks and at the end if the second week I felt it instead on the left side for another week, then it was just a tight feeling. My bleeding stopped after like 6 weeks, just small blood clots randomly. Have some ppd from that. I couldn’t do much for like 6 weeks. My doctor says I can do what ever I want now, but I randomly get sharp pains where I felt the razor blade feeling.

By: Bethany Cole Fri, 23 Jul 2021 11:23:55 +0000 In reply to Andrea Lane.

Thank you for sharing. I found this thread because I’m 5 month pp & noticed that as I’m gaining my feeling back in my incision area I’m having internal pain. It’s nothing like my initial recovery but still very uncomfortable. I also have pretty crappy back pain too. I’m so glad & grateful for my sweet girl. & at least my scar doesn’t look as ugly as I thought it would! Lol those are the only positive things I have to say about a cesarean! Lol

By: Vanessa Talavera Fri, 16 Apr 2021 05:13:44 +0000 Im 3 months pp. I didn’t dilate after being induced. Babys heart rate dropped and i had a c section. I feel kike something is gunna come out of my vagay at the end of the day still. Not every day but al least every other day. I feel like my uterus just shrunk bc my tummy is looking flatter. I just look chunky but no pregers. Im not experiencing pain on my incision. But if you were to imagine the cooch as a triangle, i have a discomfort in the middle. Anyone else?

By: Elizabeth Tue, 23 Mar 2021 15:54:32 +0000 Im 3 months postpartum, I went to bed last night feeling fine but about 2am I woke up with sharp stabbing and pulling pain on the left side of my incision, it hurt when I moved but only ached when setting still so I took tylenol with no relief. Woke up several more times throughout the night with immense pain more tylenol no relief, I usually get minor aches and pains but this feels like the surgery just happened is this normal???

By: Fostina Nchimunya Sun, 21 Feb 2021 10:04:37 +0000 Hello ladies!I had my c.section done on 22 December and upto now am still bleeding I stopped at 6 weeks then started irregular bleeding is it normal or has anyone gone through this,my incision also hurts badly
