Comments on: Going Back to Work Survival Guide For New Parents Fri, 20 Sep 2019 16:33:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: rebecca Tue, 30 Jun 2015 04:17:37 +0000 I start back at work tomorrow and am leaving my 6-week old with his daddy for the day. I am an emotional wreck, been crying all day. Going to try to power through this.

By: Mary-Margaret Bost Wed, 17 Sep 2014 14:28:11 +0000 We have the really good fortune of having a nanny so we don’t have the dropping off drama. I eased into my transition back to work by having our nanny start working part-time long before I went back and she started full-time two weeks before I went back. This allowed me to take small steps to work towards leaving my baby all day. I left her for longer and longer periods until the big day arrived and I returned to work. My first day I worked a half day and it was a total non-event. No one was in tears in the morning and everyone was happy when I got home. Having a nanny is definitely a luxury so if it’s not in the cards for you, still try to figure out some way to work towards leaving your baby all day so it’s not a complete shock when you have your first day back. (Can you trade off with a neighbor or other new mom in your area, perhaps?)

By: Meg Barclay Wed, 20 Aug 2014 14:00:51 +0000 When I went back to work after my first child it was absolute torture. I work on a team that was not necessarily receptive to the fact I might be sad – none of them have children. It was during these first very sad days that I met a few other mothers in our Mother’s Room (for pumping) who were going through the same thing. Bottom line, don’t be afraid to be sad and seek out people who will understand.
I am pregnant with baby #2 (due 12/4/14) and it is my goal to go back to work with a brave face and enjoy every minute of it. Unfortunately, going back to work is a must and if it weren’t for this job (that steals you away from your precious child) you wouldn’t have the funds to spoil them on your days off!!
I wish you the very best of luck. Keep smiling 🙂

By: Lauren Sun, 17 Aug 2014 15:12:35 +0000 I went through this. Cried before the big day came and cried EVERY SINGLE DAY afterwards. I would even cry on Sunday just thinking about having to leave my daughter again. For some of us it never does get easier. I gave it a good try but the emotional beating I was taking just wasn’t worth it. After a year and a half of this I finally quit and found something to do at home to help out with our finances. You might find that you have to make big adjustments to your budget and leave work. Or maybe you could find part time work? I’m sorry I don’t have better advice, but for me it was pure hell to work away from my daughter.
